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Story Behind the Song: When Nothing Else Could Help

Writer's picture: Casie RavertCasie Ravert

Putting together what music should be on an album takes time and careful thought. I had nineteen songs that I was sifting through. Honestly, I wanted to put them all on, but I also wanted to create an album with a message. I realized that two of the songs had the phrase "because of Jesus" in them. They were written at separate times, but it highlighted what God had been teaching me in the last year.

I then looked through the list thinking of what we have because of Jesus or the hope we have because of Him. I wanted all the songs to point to Christ and His power to save and change a life. This hymn was on the list as one of the hymn rewrites from the past year, and the message was perfect.

Most churches sing the song "Love Lifted Me" as a fast, upbeat song where those singing go up on the toes every time they say lifted. Sure it is fun and everyone laughs, but the message is completely lost by those singing. The message of this hymn isn't of laughing or lively bouncing. In reality, the message begins in despair and without hope. It shows an urgency in the writer as they tell others of Christ. It ends with resolve about one giving their life to the Savior.

When writing this melody, I wanted it to portray the words. I wanted you to feel the hopelessness at the beginning. Through the key changes, you can feel how Jesus is lifting us out of that despair. In the chorus, the melody is higher allowing you to focus on the fact that "Love lifted me when nothing else could help." We pray these words by James Rowe (1912) along with this new melody point you to the Savior whose love lifted you out of sin and placed you on the solid foundation of Christ.

"I was sinking deep in sin, Far from the peaceful shore, Very deeply stained within, Sinking to rise no more; But the Master of the sea Heard my despairing cry, From the waters lifted me– Now safe am I.

Chorus: Love lifted me, When nothing else could help, Love lifted me; Out of my sin, now safe in Him, Love lifted me.

All my heart to Him I give, Ever to Him I'll cling, In His blessed presence live, Ever His praises sing. Love so mighty and so true Merits my soul's best songs; Faithful, loving service, too, To Him belongs.

Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves; He will lift you by His love Out of the angry waves. He's the Master of the sea, Billows His will obey; He your Savior wants to be– Be saved today."

- James Rowe


We have three options for sheet music available - a solo in the original key sung below, a lower solo, and a duet sung in the original key.

Check out our new CD as well as the sheet music and soundtrack!



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