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Story Behind the Song: In the Presence of the Lord

Writer's picture: Casie RavertCasie Ravert

When my grandmother passed away several years ago, it was the first time I had experienced loss in my family. My grandma was one of my biggest encouragers in music. She was a pianist herself, and even in the midst of arthritis pain and being unable to fully open her hand, she still played the piano for my childhood church.

Growing up, I would stay at her house often. In high school, there were many nights she would call out songs for me to play for her on the piano. I shared with her that I thought God wanted me to write music and provide resources for churches. When we talked about it, I remember me explaining to her that I was a nobody and did not have much that I could offer people. I continued to tell her my fears of being uncertain if people would even use or listen to the music I wrote. Her reply will always be remembered. It was simple, but it has remained an encouragement to me to this day. She said, "If God is leading you to do something, do it. Don't let your fears keep you from doing what He has called you to do."

When she passed away, my husband and I were serving at a church in Connecticut. I struggled with not being there. She had battled cancer, and honestly, I thought she would live longer. We were praying that God would heal her. When we found out that she had passed, I sat down and began thinking of memories I had with her. I became so overwhelmed with the thought that my grandma was now with Jesus. She was perfectly whole and no longer in pain. She was with the one that she spent years teaching the 4 and 5 year old Sunday school children about. She was with the One she had served even through her sickness and pain. When she was put on oxygen, she still played the piano for the church carrying the tank up with her. She still served in the Kings Kids program as the secretary even with her limitations.

Why? Because of Jesus. Jesus gave her strength when she was weak, and she loved him. She never sought recognition, but she left an impact on lives.

I began the chorus, but I could never finish the song due to it bringing back tears each time I tried. In 2022, I pulled the song out again, and determined that I would write finish it. Her life continues to speak through this song.

I would love for her to see that because of her encouragement, I didn't give into my fears and that I am following the Lord in what He called a 15 year old girl to do.

May this song touch your heart and comfort those who have lost someone they love!


"In The Presence of the Lord"

Words and Music by Casie Ravert

Find this song on our new CD. The sheet music and soundtrack are available on the website. Click each picture below for more information:



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