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The Beginning of New Mercies Music

Writer's picture: Casie RavertCasie Ravert

Updated: Aug 7, 2021

Thank you for visiting our blog! We will be using this to share helpful resources and tips for music. To begin, we will be sharing with you about New Mercies Music and more about us!

In 2005, I had just come home from a week of teen camp at Mt. Moriah Christian Camp in Powell, Tennessee. Prior to camp, I was really wanting to pursue music through more of a performance focused avenue. During the week, the Lord used the powerful preaching to guide me in surrendering what I wanted to do and giving it to Him. That week, I gave the Lord my music and told Him that I would do whatever He wanted with it.

A few months later, the Lord began leading me towards writing music. As a teenager, I began writing down what He placed on my heart:

  1. Write music for choirs, singers, and instrumentalists

  2. Write hymns

  3. Begin a music publishing business

  4. Record CDs

  5. Teach church pianists

I had no idea what all this would entail, but I wrote it down. I then began writing. I wrote dozens of songs. Some of which will go in print, but many that will remain with me as a reminder of that summer. I also began teaching private lessons that fall as well as recorded two piano CDs during my final high school years.

The next step was attending a college where I would learn to write music. The Lord led me to Crown College in Powell, Tennessee, where I continued to write and grow in my musical journey. Once out of college, I restarted my private studio. It was from there that the Lord continued to add to the list of what New Mercies Music would produce and become. At this point, we were waiting for the Lord to provide a specific piano, recording equipment, and a better avenue for notating the music I had written. In 2020, it became evident that the time to start what God had given me 15 years prior was quickly coming. I began getting things in order just waiting for God to give us the time to launch.

By the Fall of 2020, He provided everything we needed, and we knew that the Summer of 2021 was going to be our launching date! August 2021 will hold many exciting releases. Please pray with us that New Mercies Music will be all that God has intended for it to be!

-Casie Ravert



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