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He Cares For You

Writer's picture: Casie RavertCasie Ravert

Have you walked through anxiety and depression as the result of a difficult situation or trial? I want to remind you that you are not broken. You are not alone. God is not ashamed of you. God has not forgotten you.

Our body was naturally designed to respond to difficult situations, and often being in those situations for extended periods can create stress on the body that is manifested through anxiety and depression.

Hold on to the Savior and bring him the care. In the middle of those dark moments that feel unbearable and lonely, tell Jesus. Tell Him your heart. Dwell on His faithfulness and rest in Who He is.

In 1 Kings 18-19, we are given the story of Elijah and his battle with depression. He was a man used by God. We read his story and see a great victory where over the prophets of Baal. I encourage you to read these two chapters. In short, God sent fire to consume Elijah's altar. Many saw God’s hand that day and were pointed to the true God. After this incredible victory, he was found running for his life and wishing he was not alive. We hear sermons pointing out Elijah's failures, and we point our finger at him declaring that he became self-focused. We make little of his human frailties. We forget that we are all but human. God didn’t create us with the bionic ability to brush over difficult situations and trials as though they don’t touch us. He created us human with weakness, frailties and emotions. Depression and anxiety can touch even those you think it could never reach.

If you find yourself in the midst of anxiety or depression, walk with God. Remember, who He is and that He is faithful. Rest in Him. He calls us to come to him in Matthew 11 vs 28-29: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Even in serving Him as Elijah was, we can find ourselves under the load of depression. Let Jesus take that load. You are never alone. He is Immanuel “God with us.” Even in the darkest valleys, "God is there beside you to carry you along." (from "But If Not")


Fill your heart and mind with music today that will encourage you!



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