The turn of the new year causes most to reflect on their life, reevaluate their priorities, and resolve their previous ways. Often these pursuits can lead to failed expectations or a false sense of self power and reliability. Is that to say that reflecting, changing our priorities and creating goals is wrong? No, quite the contrary. It is not the resolutions we create that can lead to this, but rather where our focus lies in these goals.

In Colossians, the church is being challenged in chapter 3 to set their focus in the correct place. Paul challenges those who are risen with Christ to seek the things that matter for eternity. Every day we live matters for eternity. As we set our affections on what is eternal, our entire focus changes. We then understand that we dead in our self, but alive in Christ. Christ is our life. He is our aim. Even in this chapter, this church is being encouraged to set “resolutions” if you will. They are being encouraged to shift their focus, die to a self-centered lifestyle, and live in the Spirit letting the peace of God rule in their hearts.
Maybe you have made a list of spiritual resolutions, but one resolution encompasses all the resolutions you can write down. A change in focus affects every other aspect of our life. Focusing on Christ causes you to spend more time with Him. Focusing on Christ causes you to be led by the Spirit. Focusing on Christ allows you to live as the husband, wife, child, friend, employee, employer, ministry laborer, etc as you should. Focusing on Christ causes you to think on the eternal and giving out the gospel.
Make this year the year of Colossians 3. Meditate on it and memorize it.
Set your focus on Christ and the eternal, live for His glory alone, and in doing so, He will mold you into the person you need to be.
At New Mercies Music, we have prayed through this upcoming year and what God would have for us. Our prayer is that the Lord will use us to encourage more people and churches this year through our resources and music. Here is a sneak peak into what we are planning and preparing for. Pray with us and share us with other churches and friends you know!
New Single: “Nailed To The Cross”
Easter Presentation: “It Is Christ” - a four song presentation with narration
Easter Piano Prelude: a 7 song set for church pianists (Intermediate and advanced Level)
Chord Substitution Course
Advanced Piano Solo
New Album: “Because of Jesus”
10 new vocal songs from the album
Music Camp Curriculum
Two hymn piano solo books: Level 1-3 and Level 4-5 (beginner and late beginner)
Worship Piano Prelude: a 7 song set for church pianists (Intermediate and advanced Level)
Foundation In Hymn Playing 2 Course
Advanced piano solo
In Christ,
Casie Ravert

This album is filled with hymns of encouragement and hope. Enjoy these hymns playing throughout your day!